Sunday, March 31, 2013

Pregnancy Hormones

Pregnancy Hormones I'm learning are a funny thing. They can turn your wife against you in a heartbeat. I can't say I wasn't warned. Almost every piece of information made reference to it at some point. Luckily my wife's hormones don't turn her into a psycho who hates me. She just seems to cry at small things or be fine with things that would have made her cry before the pregnancy.

For Example.

The other night we were watching Wreck it Ralph at home. I had already seen the ending but watched it again with my wife. Before, the ending to that movie would have made my wife Cry. So I sat back with tissues and my phone set to camera so I could take a picture and upload it to my blog because I'm stupid like that. I waited and waited but the tears never came. I even asked "Aren't you sad?, Doesn't that make you want to cry?". Nope, no tears from my wife.

The next day was our 3rd year anniversary. We both woke up and started getting ready for work. I had to be out earlier so as I said bye I said "Oh and Happy Anniversary, love you babe." And the tears came out. "Oh my god!, I totally forgot that was today. I can't believe I forgot. I'm so sorry." I didn't think it was a big deal. I'm sure if I hadn't mentioned it she would have remembered at some point during the day. I wouldn't expect her to remember first thing in the morning because we didn't have any special plans (by choice not because I forgot). So either it's the hormones or those tears were the Wreck it Ralph tears my wife held in the night before.

On another note, Women's senses are heightened during pregnancy, so I read. So here's a little something for the guy my wife works with who decides to smoke a pack of cigarettes in his car with the windows up. Doesn't spray himself down and then thinks its acceptable to go back to work in a small confined space surrounded by bullet proof glass with 3 other people including a pregnant woman.
You're an Idiot.


  1. Hey bro

    I guess there's so much to learn, it's so interesting... we will keep on cheking your blog

    Congrats again

    Frankie & Olgui
