Sunday, March 31, 2013

Pregnancy Hormones

Pregnancy Hormones I'm learning are a funny thing. They can turn your wife against you in a heartbeat. I can't say I wasn't warned. Almost every piece of information made reference to it at some point. Luckily my wife's hormones don't turn her into a psycho who hates me. She just seems to cry at small things or be fine with things that would have made her cry before the pregnancy.

For Example.

The other night we were watching Wreck it Ralph at home. I had already seen the ending but watched it again with my wife. Before, the ending to that movie would have made my wife Cry. So I sat back with tissues and my phone set to camera so I could take a picture and upload it to my blog because I'm stupid like that. I waited and waited but the tears never came. I even asked "Aren't you sad?, Doesn't that make you want to cry?". Nope, no tears from my wife.

The next day was our 3rd year anniversary. We both woke up and started getting ready for work. I had to be out earlier so as I said bye I said "Oh and Happy Anniversary, love you babe." And the tears came out. "Oh my god!, I totally forgot that was today. I can't believe I forgot. I'm so sorry." I didn't think it was a big deal. I'm sure if I hadn't mentioned it she would have remembered at some point during the day. I wouldn't expect her to remember first thing in the morning because we didn't have any special plans (by choice not because I forgot). So either it's the hormones or those tears were the Wreck it Ralph tears my wife held in the night before.

On another note, Women's senses are heightened during pregnancy, so I read. So here's a little something for the guy my wife works with who decides to smoke a pack of cigarettes in his car with the windows up. Doesn't spray himself down and then thinks its acceptable to go back to work in a small confined space surrounded by bullet proof glass with 3 other people including a pregnant woman.
You're an Idiot.

Homemade Roller Coaster ; Hamster Car

Isn't this the coolest thing you've ever seen? Is that even a question? THIS IS THE COOLEST THING YOU"VE EVER SEEN! If I was only half as cool as this Dad I can guarantee my child will have the best childhood (along with a few broken bones). Just hear his baby girls voice when he ask her if she's ready to go "Yessss Sirrrrr!". If that doesn't bring a smile to your face than you have no heart.
      I have a pretty big back yard with half a playground still there from the previous owners and It's a pain in the butt to mow. Something like this just might be what I need to take up some room.
       I come from a long line of Dad's improvising fun. I remember once when I was about 10 we lived in Northern Virginia, we had a huge snowfall. Just around the corner from our house was a huge hill that was the it spot for sledding. So Mom asked Dad to buy some sleds so we could hit the Hill that evening. I was so excited! It was going to be our first time sledding there. Finally my Dad came home and I anxiously looked for the Sleds. Well my dad being the great improviser that he was MADE sleds! It was literally a Long 5x2 piece of sheet metal with two holes punched through the front end where he slipped a long piece of extension cord for us to use as a somewhat steering device. Three of them. One for each of us. I was pretty upset at first. I mean C'mon, Sheet Metal?!? The Edges were so sharp we could have probably lost an arm or seriously hurt someone as we were coming down. But it worked! Except for the occasional times when the sharp front end got caught in the ground and through us off flashing death before our eyes. We had an awesome childhood.
This is The Hill!!!

So lately I've been weighing my options regarding my car situation. I currently drive a half cab truck that probably wouldn't be the best for baby accessibility. Pretty much my two options are trade my truck for a newer more baby friendly vehicle once the baby is born or save up some money from now til then and try to buy an older,  more gas friendly vehicle, CASH and keep my truck. 
I'm not really decided but have been doing my research on cars. One of them is the Kia Soul. I'f you don't know which one I'm talking about its the one with the Hamsters. So I decided to go test drive one at a local Kia dealership. Once I arrived there a Salesman came out to greet me. After explaining my situation he gave me the usual run around about how I needed this car. "It's perfect for you and yo baby."Anyways, long story short, the salesman tried pushing 2013 model so I asked him if the Hamster came standard or if I needed to upgrade to a higher package Jk but I did ask him if there were any older or Pre-owned models to which he said "Oh no, you see these cars sell out quick. We don't get any of them back." Either way I wasn't ready to buy a car then, so I took some information and told him I'd come back when I was ready. But just as I was getting in my car to leave I looked up at a field above the dealership and saw an entire lot of used Kia Souls! What a Loser. Needless to say Hamster or no Hamster; I won't be going back.

Share and Comment

Hey everyone just want to let you guys know that you all are more than welcome to comment and share the Blog with your friends. I'd love to get your opinions and suggestions on the Blog. My wife (Borat) jokingly said that it would be funny if I started to review Products on here and I kinda laughed it off......but hey if some company decided to lets say send me some baby swag so I could try it out and than give my opinion on it than that'd be ok with me. ; ). But in order to do that I'd have to get more people looking at what I'm writing. So come on guys help me out.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Big News

Well yesterday we shared the big news with everyone at much objection from my wife. I had actually been wanting to share with everyone from the moment I found out but I knew there were alot of complications that we had to get past before we felt comfortable with telling others. Besides telling our families and a few close friends not too many people knew until.... Someone on the opposite side of the family who shall remain nameless decided it was their duty and responsibility to tell everyone of the good news before we got a chance to. Just like that we saw how the news quickly trickled its way from the Hickory/Newton area back towards Charlotte and to our ears. So we decided we might as well tell everyone so that the news doesn't linger near us like the elephant in the room that no one wants to address. But we did get overwhelming support from all our friends and we appreciate all off it.

Here is a picture of our first sonogram that we had done. The baby has the shape of a gummy bear and is the size of a prune, not much improvement over the olive from last week but I'll take it. Up until then the pregnancy hasn't seemed real to me. I know it's true but in these early stages and with so little external signs (no baby bump) It all hasn't hit me yet. But when we were in that Doctors room and I looked up at the screen it all started to come together. Then the doctor pointed out something. In the middle of the baby's body there was a flickering light. It was the heart beat!!! Beating at approximately 167 bpm. That's like a really fast merengue lol. It's all coming becoming real

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Green Olive

So my unborn child has grown from the size of a blueberry to the size of a green olive according to the daily update I get from a pregnancy app on my phone. Yuck! Couldn't they have found something else to compare it to? I hate olives. No amount of vodka could cover up the taste of a nasty olive. On the other hand my wife loves them so this seems to make sense. Oh well, Ill just have to rough it out til' next week when my baby takes the form of another fruit.

By the way, I forgot to mention this in my earlier post but we have a due date. October 26, 2013. Sometime when the leaves change color and the weather begins to chill we will have another little member member of our family. I can't wait!

Anytime friends were going to have a baby I always asked the dad "What are you hoping for?" and about 90% of the time the answer was "I just want a healthy baby." "Sure, whatever you say.... You can say it, you want a boy." was my response. I always thought the usual cliche answer was to cover up the real hope of a baby boy. But now that I find myself in their shoes I finally feel something that I never understood. All I want is for a healthy, beautiful child. If its a boy, Great! I'll teach him to be a gentleman. How to hold the door open for his mommy. How to play catch and instill in him a love for motorcycles and sports. But if its a Girl than thats great too! She's going to be daddy's little girl and I'm going to spoil the heck out of her. I'll play her a song on my guitar after reading her a bedtime story. She too will learn to love riding on the back of Daddy's motorcycle.

So asking for everyones opinion to wether we'll be having a boy or girl, there seems to be a general consensus that its going to be a boy. But for some strange reason I have a gut feeling that its going to be a GIRL... I have no idea where this feeling came from but its here and its convincing (and based only on nothing at all). Who knows?!? We'll technically the doctor and us too in about 2 months but until then I cant shake this feeling off. At least I know it can only be 2 things. Theres a fifty/fifty chance here. There's no Congrats Mr. Loera heres you baby Velociraptor haha

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Week 6: A Blueberry

So yesterday was our first visit to the OB/GYN. There really wasn't alot to it. They confirmed what a box or pregnancy test proved, That my wife is indeed Prego. They also took blood samples to screen for all the routine things to make sure were going to have a healthy baby. I was kind've let down. I guess I'm so hyped up I was expecting a Black and white picture to take home and put on my fridge. But the baby is too small. The size of a Blueberry according to the doctor. But the doctor said my wife is healthy(Of course she's a Crossfit Mommy!) and all the nausea, and cramping is to be expected. So that put us at ease.

I haven't told many people yet excluding family and a few close friends which I apologize for ; you will all know soon enough. One of my closest friends who I told said something funny. "We always figured  you guys would have a baby!". Great. Is it that I give off a Daddy vibe or were the odds against me (Being Mexican popping babies is in my genes)? Hopefully its a little of both.

Monday, March 4, 2013

So why blog? And good advice

Because why not! From what I hear, these next 8 months are going to go by ridiculously fast.  Hopefully this blog will be able to capture part of the craziness so that one day I'll be able to recall and share what went on. Also I'd like to be able to share this experience with all of you who take the time to check up on us.

Good advice: So since last Friday I've been all "Jacked up on Mountian Dew!". I'm thinking of names, changes to our house, Minivans!?!  I've been staying up late at night reading up information of what to expect when you're expecting (as if I'm popping this baby out). So along with all this information comes the worst case scenarios. Thanks alot WebMD! All this resulting in freak outs on my behalf. This guy! The one whose supposed to be the rock, the cool, calm and collective one. I helped deliver a baby before and was alot calmer than this.  For ex. The other night my wife (Borat voice), had a cramp and I panicked. "How bad does it hurt?, What makes it better or worst?, Ok don't move." So I'm telling my Capt at the firehouse about all this reading and how im feeling and he gave me some great advice "Don't". As in cut back on all that reading. Not that it's nescessarily a bad thing but too much information is making my mind race. The negative info is getting processed along with the positive and all this worrying Is doing more harm than good. Let's not take the happiness out of this special time. There will be plenty of sleepless nights to come.

So I'm gonna be a daddy.

So looking through Facebook I see some friends of ours are having a baby. Great!!! I'm happy for them. I wish them the best. My wife and I have thought about it but decided its not the right time. Going on 3 years married we're still getting to know each other. We love our lives and each other. Funny how these things work out.

2 days later.

Future mommy: I'm not feeling good. ******* told me to take a pregnancy test.
FireDaddy: ok let me know what happens...
Future mommy: omg.... It's positive
FireDaddy: Yea right. Are your kidding me?
Future mommy: (sends picture of pee stick)
FireDaddy: OMG!!!! Can I Instagram it?
Future mommy: I think I'm going to be sick.
FireDaddy: From what? Nausea?
Future mommy: Hello!!! My nerves are shot, I'm shaking!

So pretty much that brings us to where we are now. We weren't expecting this but what can you do? Nothing. Just be happy and accept the gift that god has given us and blog about it because its going to be a crazy 8 months so why not share them with you all.

Welcome to TheFireDaddy!!! A blog relating the next months through me eyes.