Thursday, June 13, 2013


Little Micah has now grown to a healthy 11oz and I about the length of a banana. As I was typing out the title to this post I couldn't help but think of that Gwen Stefani song where she spells out bananas. I forgot the name of it. Help anyone? There's been a lot of movement this week with Micah. Earlier this week my wife complained of sharp pains in her lower belly. To the WebMd!!! Thanks to the Internet we have found several pregnancy blogs that can help put any worry at ease. What we learned that this is a common process where the growing uterus pushes and stretches the abdominal muscles. Micah is just growing.

One cool thing I read about the Micah's growth this week is that he has developed taste buds. So not only is the baby feeding off of what my wife eats but he is also enjoying it (Hopefully). Now this poses a problem. I love spicy food but my wife refuses to eat anything remotely tingly to the taste buds. I guess opposites do attract because being mexican, spicy food is a must. I've had emberassing moments at restaurants where my wife sends back plate after plate because she claims it too spicy and I can't find anything spicy on the plate. Or when we were dating and she would come over for dinner I had to ask my mom to change her recipes and go super light on the chile so Laura could enjoy her meal without throwing up. So obviously we have very different tolerance levels when it comes to spicy food. So where will Micah's tolerance level be? It's kinda hard to say because he definately wont be getting any spicy food while he's in the womb. We're just going to have to work on it once he's here with us.

Maybe one day he too will have a hot sauce named after him.

I dont remember if mentioned it in an earlier post or not but The wife and I recently watched a documentary about birthing in the U.S. and how unfortunately birthing has become a business for many hospitals. This leading to the U.S. having one of the highest infant mortality rates amongst industrialized countries. The documentary was pushing the idea of Materntity Centers so I can't say its wasn't unbiased but much of the information made alot of sense and sparked my interest to do more research. There is a nearby Maternity Center in Ft. Mill SC, and we decided to take a tour this saturday to see if this is the right choice for us. When we watched an introduction video for the facility, suprisingly we saw some friends that we hadn't talked to in a while being interviewed. They had they're little girl at the facility so I immediatley went in to stalker mode and searched for them on Facebook to ask them questions about their experience with the birthing center. They said they loved it and had very good things to say about it. I in no way intend to make this decision for my wife and am not an advocate for one birthing method over another. She knows whats best for her body and what she can and can't handle. Obviously there are health risk that can only be adressed at a hospital so we are definately going to weigh out our options. Either way we're excited to see what this place has to offer.

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