Monday, November 4, 2013

Call me the swaddle king

Hey everyone, I'm super bored right now.  Laura is up and about and Micah is getting better. We've been given the ok to nurse Micah. It took her a while to finally get him to latch but thanks to that awesome nurse who has been caring for Micah he's nursing like a pro, if for some reason it were some type of profession. Laura and I both spent the night at the hospital last night so she could feed him every 3 hours. We got news today that Micah should finish his last round of antibiotics on Friday evening and will be discharged right after. That's great news! No one wants to be in a hospital longer than needed.

Let me just add that Micah is the perfect little baby boy. I know he has just been in our lives for a few days but amazingly he is not a cryer! He cries a little when he is being bothered like when we change his diaper, and take his temperature but as soon as we finish he stops and that's pretty much it. When he wants to let us know that he needs something he just lets out a series of little baby grunts. Kind of like he wants to establish a new form of communication that only we know and understand. Once I learn it, I'll be able to teach the dogs and we'll be set.

Since this whole trip caught us totally off guard we were totally unprepared. We had a few changes of clothes, and that's pretty much it. After the second day at the hospital we knew we were going to have to make a trip back home. We needed clothes, snacks, and some kind of entertainment. So early this morning around 7 am we made a quick trip home for a quick grab and go to be back in time to feed Micah. Let me just say I have the best family in the world! All of them (led by my sister) got the house ready for our arrival. They were apparently hoping  we would be discharged today and knocked out a some house chores I'd been meaning to tackle for a few weeks/days. They changed the air filters, washed some clothes, set up the pack&play, and even hid the cables running down the wall-mounted tv in the living room. Seriously, THEY HID THE CABLES!!! That's just amazing. I wanted to go back and sneak Micah back home.
I love them all. I would never tell them directly because my family doesn't show those weaknesses, but I do love them.

So I'm having a conversation with my brother; updating him on Micah and he asks "So did you give him the "snip snip" down there?" I didn't understand him at first but once I did said "Oooooohhhh, not yet dude, I don't know, what do you think?" As if leaving the fate of my son's prepuce for my brother to decide. He says "I don't know dude, let him be like the Europeans, just free-ranging it." I have no idea what that meant but then he adds "He'll be just like Gerard Butler!". By this point, I'm just plain confused and say "How does this have anything to do with Gerard Butler?" He says "Well he's European, and the girls like him. They also like the guys from One Direction." And that ladies and gentlemen is a typical conversation with my brother. 
Free-ranginn, ya hear me?  FREE-RANGING!

And just to end on a positive note, I am now the self proclaimed swaddle king. I've been steadily observing the nurses swaddle and I now can swaddle Micah into the most beautiful cocoon. I just have to be careful that I don't swaddle him to perfectly that he stays in there, grows wings, and then flys away forever. 

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