Hi guys. I know its been forever since I last updated this blog. I literally have about 6 drafts that I had started in the last 3 months but never finished. So much has happened since the last update, I don't even know where to start. Micah is growing so fast and there is no stopping him. He's now going on 8 months and it's hard to believe that hes been with us the better part of a year.
About a month ago he started to crawl and the best part was I was home to see it! That initiated a campaign to baby proof the house and I came to the realization that my house is an accident waiting to happen. Now that he is aware of his new abilities, he refuses to be sat on anyone's lap. He's too cool for school. Not to mention that his teeth are coming in one after the other. So we've now introduced him to solid foods in return he has now introduced us to solid poops. Changing diapers has a totally new meaning now that he is started solids.
During the few weeks that his teeth were starting to come through, Micah went through a regression with his sleep cycle. He went from sleeping all night to waking up every 2 hours, crying hysterically. No matter what the experts say and all the products that exist there is no real remedy to eliminate teething pain. Some might soothe it temporarily but not for long. The funny thing is the way we handled those weeks. Compared to our first 2 months of parenthood we were rock stars. Laura and I had this conversation, if we could some how travel 6 months back in time and talk to newly parents Adrian and Laura ; how much easier those first few months would have been. While Micah was teething we just knew what to do and had so much patience.
When Micah was a a few weeks old I started a game that I thought was hilarious. When I would move in to give him a kiss, he would turn his head and bite my nose thinking it was a bottle. So I jumped on this with my twisted sense of humor and trick him into biting my nose when he was hungry. Once he would get mad I would calm him down and then do it all over again while I chuckled. Not thinking about the consequences of our little game, Micah now has the last laugh because now that he has teeth my game is not funny anymore.
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