Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Big News

Well yesterday we shared the big news with everyone at much objection from my wife. I had actually been wanting to share with everyone from the moment I found out but I knew there were alot of complications that we had to get past before we felt comfortable with telling others. Besides telling our families and a few close friends not too many people knew until.... Someone on the opposite side of the family who shall remain nameless decided it was their duty and responsibility to tell everyone of the good news before we got a chance to. Just like that we saw how the news quickly trickled its way from the Hickory/Newton area back towards Charlotte and to our ears. So we decided we might as well tell everyone so that the news doesn't linger near us like the elephant in the room that no one wants to address. But we did get overwhelming support from all our friends and we appreciate all off it.

Here is a picture of our first sonogram that we had done. The baby has the shape of a gummy bear and is the size of a prune, not much improvement over the olive from last week but I'll take it. Up until then the pregnancy hasn't seemed real to me. I know it's true but in these early stages and with so little external signs (no baby bump) It all hasn't hit me yet. But when we were in that Doctors room and I looked up at the screen it all started to come together. Then the doctor pointed out something. In the middle of the baby's body there was a flickering light. It was the heart beat!!! Beating at approximately 167 bpm. That's like a really fast merengue lol. It's all coming becoming real

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