Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Butternut Squash!

 Hey everyone, Sorry it's been a while since I last posted. The pregnancy seemed to have taken a standstill for a bit but now has us busier than ever. Micah is now the size of a Butternut Squash and weighs somewhere around 3-4 lbs. We are pretty much counting down the days until arrives. The Baby Momma is doing good. Although she was having cramps running down one side of her leg, which she read was a common thing for women this far along in the pregnancy. Her midwife recommended some baby safe supplements and problem solved. This summer has been great to us. I've always heard that summer pregnancies suck and had this one been planned we would have tried to avoid the summer at all cost but there really haven't been many days over 90 degrees and hoping I don't speak too soon, summer seems to be on its way out. Here's an interesting piece of information, Studies have shown that the baby now has sleep cycles in which he could possibly even dream. Isn't that crazy? What does little Micah dream about? The strange and distant voices outside his little bubble?

The small baby bump that was easily covered and disguised is now here and making it's presence known. In about a months time, we went from people being surprised when finding out how far along my wife was to her not being able to find anything to wear. Which means several shopping trips to look for Maternity clothes. That's whole 'nother subject that I don't want to get into too deep, but Maternity clothes is ridiculously expensive!!! Maybe its just me because I'm used to finding my clothes in the clearance racks or in my brother's room when I casually raid his closet, but seriously guys! Talk about taking advantage of someone in a tough spot. At the end of the day it is business, but I still imagine a group of evil business men and fashion designers gathered around a large conference table, laughing hysterically because we all fall into their traps!

And then, Once they feel fat, bloated, and can't find anything to wear
they'll have no choice but to buy our expensive clothes!

Both the wife and I took some vacation days a few weeks ago and finally got around to painting the nursery. With a little help from my sister and her husband we knocked it out in no time. It's painted a gray color with red accents. All her ideas.... from Pinterest. Once we were done with that we could move all the baby furniture inside including a big red comfy couch that I previously had no place for. I think It'll be perfect in the nursery for those up all night time when you just need a place to crash.   Once I add a T.V., my Xbox, a mini fridge, a Man Cave sign and Oh wait, nevermind ; those times are gone.

  Here's a picture below, let me know what you guys think. All its really missing is the little guy.

With the nursery somewhat complete we went ahead and registered. My wife wanted to make a registry at Target which was cool with me. Once we were there I had flashbacks of making our wedding registry. I remembered how My wife was so detailed and did alot of research on every product. The baby registry was literally the same experience. When I got a hold of the scanner, I was just looking at colors and prices. My reactions were "Ooooh, this one looks cool!" or "Ouch, that ones expensive!" while my wife was overly prepared with cut-outs of product reviews and several parenting magazines and their recommendations for what every parent needs. It's a good thing she was there to balance me out because if not, Micah, you would probably end up being swaddled in some paper towels and napkins. They'd be cool napkins though. With little firetrucks on them.

There are alot of things that people say parents "need" for their babies. I guess it's been a while since I was a baby (24 years from my estimates) but I don't remember having or needing all the things that experts list as a requirement for babies. This led to several disagreements between my wife and I. Here go some, and parents help me out if I'm wrong :

1) Wipey Warmers. A Wipey is a moist, disposable towelette that is used to clean the rear end of a baby when changing their diapers. Apparently the Baby Union was not satisfied with the way they were being changed and cleaned and decided they wanted more. Wipeys themselves were simply not enough. They had to be warmed. The Baby Union fought hard to make sure the "parenting experts" made a Wipey Warmer a necessity for every with-child household. Seriously guys. No one from my generation had one and I think most of us turned out ok, with the exception of a few.

2) Shopping Cart cover. This one was tricky. I know that Shopping Carts are some of the dirtiest things on the planet. Putting your child in one is something I plan on avoiding. Some of you may say "But Fire Daddy, (yes, I will now be refered to as Fire Daddy.) didn't you ever ride in a shopping cart as a child?" Yes, I did. At my local family grocery store where people actually took pride in cleanliness and appearance. Most places and people cared about those things back then, but now all that's gone out the window. That's not all. Think about the people who touch the grocery carts. Never noticed them? Take a trip to and get back to me. I bet you won't touch one without sanitizing first. The wife and I didn't disagree on one but  just kinda looked it over as a product that makes your child's ride in a bacteria infested seat more comfortable.

Hey do you think after we leave the Walmart we can swing by the Pediatrician's? I'm pretty sure this rash on my leg wasn't here 2 minutes ago.

3) Rectal thermometer. Because I love my child and that's why they make digital ear thermometers.

Hey Daddy, What are you doing with that?

 4) A Baby Bullet aka a super small food processor with cute designs on it. Because it's a super small food processor with cute designs on it.

We're probably going to make another registry at Babies R' Us for the variety, so I'm sure I'll have more useless products to review. 

While I have your attention, I'd like acknowledge and thank a few people. My family, The Jimenez, and Karla. Thank you so much for all the little baby clothes and supplies you gave us. Having a baby is a life altering event that we can never be fully prepared for but your contribution and help, reminds us that it's all going to be OK because we have good friends and family like yourselves.