Wednesday, April 24, 2013


“A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else”  George Savile

Interesting quote right? It makes a lot of sense. Patience is a virtue. One of the fruits of the spirit. Patience is a must have for parents. Now the funny thing is that I have little of it. Let me rephrase, I'm very patient with people just not with things. I ruined my first year anniversary because of lack of patience. You want to hear the story? Huh do you? Ok fine I'll tell it.

So we're coming up on our fist year anniversary. My wife and I have been throwing hints back and forth about what we would like for an anniversary gift. She's always really easy to shop for because without knowing she always let me know what she needs or points out things she likes (Now that I think of it, I might have been played). Me on the other hand am a little harder to shop for. I rarely ever talk about things I want. I just get them. Ask my wife, she needs a committee to sit down and brainstorm about what I like. 

Ok. Ok. flip flops, he doesn't like flip flops!
So around that time I had been playing lot of tennis so One day I tell my wife one day that I have to get my racquet restrung and she says "Oh, at Don's?" I kinda stopped and thought to myself, how does she know about Don's (the only tennis shop in Charlotte, good one at least)? So she pretty much let the cat out of the bag. A couple days later I'm at Don's picking up my restrung racquet when I randomly ask if there are any good deals on racquets. I found one I liked and test it for a couple of days and loved it. I went back to turn it in when Don makes me an offer I can't refuse. He shows me the racquet I want at an unbelievable price. I knew my wife was going to buy me a racquet but I had no patience. I tried calling her to tell her about the deal but she didn't answer. So I bought it. I felt that if I didn't buy it then I'd miss out on a great deal. I know that many if not all of you reading are putting your hands to your forehead and thinking what an idiot, and your right. I should have waited. Well anyways that story was just to show how little patience I have. When I want something or need something I don't hesitate to buy it. Ha, last Saturday I was mowing my lawn for the second time in a week and said an hour into it, pushing my rinkey dink mower "forget this crap, I'm going to Lowes."  And I bought a decent mower that runs up the humongous hill I have in my backyard

So that brings me to a couple days ago. My wife and I are talking about the baby and I say jokingly "Seriously, this baby needs to hurry up and get here because I'm losing my patience!" Then I started thinking what if I just randomly went out and bought a baby. Jk. But that just reflects the mood. Almost every conversation we have at home or with our family and friends somehow reverts back to the baby, so much so, that I sometimes feel the baby is coming tomorrow. Once I come back to the realization that there's still another 6 months to go, I get a little impatient. But I know theres a reason God made pregnancies 9 months long. Not only for the baby but I have to get ready too. I have to learn to be patient. 

On another note, here's a pretty cool picture we took today at a fire we were first in to. Just thought I'd share it. 


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Worry about yourself!

I just ran across this video and thought it was so funny. This little girl has a little attitude but is so polite at the same time. "Worry about yourself!" but when her dad ask if she needs helps she says "No, thank you." Well just want to share this with you guys. Have a nice day : )

Friday, April 19, 2013

A Peach

Look how are baby has grown! The baby is now as big as a large peach. How crazy is that! It amazes me how fast the baby is growing and I can't even see it. I was talking to a friend at work about the baby's growth and he mentioned how if I think its growing fast now, just wait until I'm holding him/her in my arms (I really think it's going to be a her). Anyways that shock and awe will come at it's own time.

We had our second sonogram last Wednesday. During the second visit the Doctor normally takes blood samples and test for several diseases and birth defects so it was pretty nerve wrecking. Fortunately everything is looking good so far. So we finally get around to the sonogram. I was excited to see how much the baby had grown and developed and I was not disappointed! The doctor zoomed in little by little to finally reveal the Baby. What a difference a few weeks can do. The baby had little arms and legs and was not happy that it was woken up. It jumped from one side to the other and all I could think of was "Parkour!"
Just like this except in a uterus.

One of the test the Doctors perform is measure the skin on the back of the neck of the baby to test for down syndrome. Don't ask me how it works but to do it the baby had to have its hands down. The Doctor wiggled the Baby for almost 10 minutes trying to get it to put its hand down. She even asked my wife cough to see if it would budge. It was so funny, almost as if the baby knew because it immediately threw BOTH hands up to it's nose kind of like saying "No pictures please!". What a little celebrity.

On another note, I'm learning more and more about pregnancy everyday. For example, how it changes a woman's taste and preferences including her favorite ice cream flavor which would have been nice to know when I was trying to calm a serious case of BMR (refer to previous post). Now,  I'm working on a theory and plan to submit it to a scientific institute for further review. Woman obviously gain weight during pregnancy. They have to! Especially when they're lugging a 12lb baby like my mom did with my "little" brother. But why do some men gain weight? Well it's all related to the woman's changes in taste of course! Let me give you an example. A few weeks ago we went to Moe's for a quick bite for dinner. I love Moe's and so does my wife so I thought. So were in line picking and choosing our toppings and fillings for our meal and then go sit down at a booth. That's when my wife looks down at her food and says "I'm sorry but this looks disgusting." She totally lost her appetite. It wasn't her, it was all part of the first tri-mester changes. Either way I felt bad, but MO' MOE'S FOR ME!!!!
He gets it
I have to admit, I've had a serious case of writers block ever since I made this blog public. I'm glad I've had great feedback but I don't know if it's that these past few weeks have been a little more uneventful and we've hit a slump or I'm trying to match or out-do the popularity of the first posts or maybe just maybe it's just all the Moe's giving me brain farts.

A peach.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A large lime

Let me show you the ways of my people.
So the baby has now grown to the size of a large lime. Now we're talking. I can work with a limes. Cut that bad boy up and down him with a shot of tequila! (The Lime not the baby) And Just like the kick that comes after some crappy tequila this baby is taking its toll on my wife. As we near the end of the 1st trimester the morning sickness and nausea are here with a bang.

I'd also like to go back and correct an earlier post regarding pregnancy hormones. I spoke to
o soon. I have recently been the victim of Baby Momma Rage (BMR for short. I have a feeling I'm going to be referring to it a lot more in the following months). This past week on a couple occasions I have to remind myself it's not my wife talking its the baby. At least that's what she tells me when she screams.

We've been considering several baby names and have narrowed it down to a few names we love. I'm a big fan of names in Spanish and an even bigger fan of biblical names. So when we run our ideas through friends and family we get a variety of different responses from "I love it!" to " Well,I used to date a ____". We quickly realized that there will be no pleasing everyone. Any name we choose, there's going to be someone who knew somebody who had a cousin that was named so and so who killed a puppy. So at the risk of making this sound like a baby naming contest which it's not, here are the names we like the most.

For a boy we like Micah and Abel but those are not written in stone.
For a girl we like Leila and Abigail. We're more than likely going to go with those names for a girl.

This baby naming is a lot harder than I thought. A couple people have thrown ideas our way and I think to myself "Well, that's interesting but my son/daughter is going to have to go to school someday...". Lets give him or her a fighting chance at least. A friend of ours named Elizabeth was telling us how when she was in school another girl would tease her and call her "lizard breath!" Now that's sad. There's a lot of other stranger or should I say more unique names out there to make fun of,and some little girl chooses to go with Elizabeth? It's a tough world out there. Either that little girl was a psycho or my friend was in need of a Tic-tac (if lizards have bad breath, I wouldn't know). But that goes to show that we really need to think this through.

Please don't make fun of me. It's just a name!!!